Porcelain Veneers

Looking for porcelain veneers in Kilgore, TX? Look no further than Silvertooth and Whinery Family Dentistry! Our custom-made veneers can completely reshape your teeth and provide a beautiful, long-lasting smile transformation. Made from durable tooth-shaped porcelain, our veneers are expertly crafted by a professional dental laboratory to fit your unique shape and shade.

At Silvertooth and Whinery Family Dentistry, we understand that many dental problems can be effectively treated with veneers, making them an excellent alternative to crowns. Not only do our veneers look great, but they are also designed to last for many years, ensuring that you can enjoy the benefits of your new smile for a long time to come. When it comes to your cosmetic dental needs, Silvertooth and Whinery Family Dentistry is the best choice in Kilgore. Simply search "porcelain veneers near me" to discover why our expert team and custom-made veneers are the perfect solutions for a beautiful smile transformation.

What are Dental Veneers?

porcelain veneers

Our custom-made veneers are a great solution for anyone looking to improve the appearance of their teeth. Ours are thin pieces of durable, tooth-shaped porcelain that are custom-made to fit your unique shape and shade. We work with a professional dental laboratory to ensure that your veneers look natural and are designed to last. Once they are made, our expert team bonds the veneers onto the front teeth, resulting in a beautiful, attractive smile transformation.

Veneers are versatile and can completely reshape your teeth, making them a great alternative to traditional crowns in many cases. They can also be an ideal solution for treating a variety of dental conditions, including discoloration, staining, chipping, and misalignment.

It's important to note that while veneers are durable and long-lasting, they are not permanent and may need to be replaced someday. However, with proper care and maintenance, our veneers are designed to last for many years, giving you a beautiful and long-lasting smile.

Reasons for Porcelain Veneers:

As part of cosmetic dentistry, veneers address many dental concerns. Some of the reasons why you may consider getting porcelain veneers include:

Cover up gaps between teeth

People with gaps between their teeth may feel self-conscious about their smiles. Porcelain veneers can be used to close the gaps and give you a more seamless smile. We can also use them to make your teeth appear more uniform in size.

Lighten stained or discolored teeth

Another common reason people opt for porcelain veneers is to cover up stained or discolored teeth. Over time, your teeth can become stained from drinking coffee, tea, or red wine. They can also become discolored due to certain medications, such as antibiotics.

Dental Care IconFix chips and fractures

Chips and fractures in your teeth can be unsightly and make you feel self-conscious about your smile. Our custom-made veneers can help fix chips and fractures, giving you a smoother, more uniform appearance.

Dental IconHelp give front teeth a straighter appearance.

One of the common complaints that people have about their smiles is that their front teeth are not straight. Porcelain veneers can help give your front teeth a straighter appearance.

Improve worn-down teeth

After years of use, your teeth can become worn down. This can make you appear older than you are and impact your bite. Porcelain veneers can be used to improve the appearance of worn-down teeth.

What Does Getting Porcelain Veneers Involve?

Are you considering porcelain veneers to improve the appearance of your smile? At Silvertooth and Whinery Family Dentistry in Kilgore, TX, we want to help you understand what the process need porcelain veneersinvolves. The porcelain veneer treatment typically requires two visits to complete, and little to no anesthesia is required during the procedure. During the first visit, your teeth will be prepared by lightly buffing and shaping the surface to allow for the thickness of the veneer. This process is painless and only requires removing a thin layer of enamel.

Once the teeth are prepared, a mold or impression of your teeth is taken, and you and your dentist will choose a shade that matches your natural teeth or a shade that is brighter if desired. On the second visit, the teeth will be cleansed with special liquids to achieve a durable bond. Bonding cement is placed between the tooth and veneer, and a special light beam is used to harden and set the bond. The result is a strong and durable bond that will last for years to come.

After the procedure, you will receive care instructions for your new veneers. Proper brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits will aid in the life of your new veneers. With proper care, your veneers can last for many years, giving you a beautiful and long-lasting smile. Porcelain veneers can provide a simple and effective solution to many cosmetic dental problems.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing Porcelain Veneers

Choosing to get porcelain veneers is a big decision. You will need to consider many factors before making a decision. Here are some of the things that you should keep in mind:

The cost of porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers are not cheap. The cost of porcelain veneers can range from $500 to $1,500 per tooth. The cost will depend on your country, the dentist you see, and the number of teeth you need to have veneered.

The pain associated with porcelain veneers

There is some pain associated with getting porcelain veneers. The pain is usually mild and goes away within a few days.


Veneers require some special care. You must avoid chewing on hard objects, such as ice or candy. You will also need to be careful when brushing your teeth. Be sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoid brushing too hard. You should also see your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings.

Not reversable

Another factor to consider is the procedure itself. Porcelain veneers are not reversible. Once the tooth is prepared for the veneer, there is no going back.


While porcelain veneers can last for many years with proper care, they are not permanent. You will need to replace them eventually, and it's important to consider the lifespan of the veneers when making your decision.

Are You a Good Candidate for Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers can be a great option for those looking to transform their smile. However, not everyone is a good candidate for this cosmetic dentistry procedure. Here are some factors to consider when determining if porcelain veneers are right for you:

  1. Overall Dental Health: The first thing your dentist will consider is your overall dental health. If you have gum disease, tooth decay, or other dental problems, these issues will need to be addressed before. Additionally, you will need to have healthy gums and enough enamel on your teeth to support the veneers.
  2. Teeth Alignment: veneers can help to straighten teeth that are slightly crooked or misaligned. However, if your teeth are severely misaligned, you may need orthodontic treatment before getting veneers.
  3. Tooth Color: veneers are often used to whiten teeth that are discolored or stained. However, if your tooth discoloration is caused by certain medications, fluoride, or trauma, then veneers may not be the best option for you.
  4. Bite and Jaw Alignment: If you have a problem with your bite or jaw alignment, then porcelain veneers may not be suitable for you. In some cases, veneers can exacerbate bite problems and cause discomfort.
  5. Commitment to Oral Hygiene: Finally, it's important to consider your commitment to oral hygiene. Porcelain veneers require regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups to ensure they last as long as possible. If you're not willing to commit to a strict oral hygiene routine, then veneers may not be the best option for you.


After getting your veneers, taking proper care of them is important to ensure their longevity and maintain their appearance. Here are some tips for aftercare:


  1. Avoid hard or sticky foods: To prevent damage to your veneers, avoid biting down on hard objects like ice, and don't chew on sticky foods like caramels.
  2. Brush and floss regularly: Good oral hygiene is essential for the longevity of your veneers. Brush at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and floss daily.
  3. Use non-abrasive toothpaste: Avoid using toothpaste with harsh abrasives, as this can scratch the surface of your veneers and damage their appearance.
  4. Attend regular dental check-ups: Regular dental check-ups are crucial to maintain the health of your teeth and gums. Your dentist can also check on the condition of your veneers during these visits.
  5. Consider a mouthguard: If you grind your teeth at night, consider wearing a mouthguard to protect your veneers from damage.


If you're considering porcelain veneers to enhance your smile and overall dental health, contact Silvertooth and Whinery Family Dental today. Our team of experienced professionals will guide you through the process and help you determine if veneers are the right choice for you. With proper care and maintenance, they can transform your smile and boost your confidence for years to come. Don't wait, schedule your consultation now and take the first step towards a brighter, more beautiful smile!


Have more questions? Please contact us at (903) 983-1919 or click here !

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